Mytherine - Epic Death Metal from Berlin, Germany

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Latest news

Heavy New Year 2023

Heavy New Year 2023Finally back on stage, finally in Leipzig! Many thanks to Antyra for the invitation! Appear numerous! At the moment you never know when you can see band xy live again and you are just as hungry as we are!

RIP Trevor

RIP Trevor StrnadAnother icon and source of inspiration is lost. Our condolences to the band and their families. RIP Trevor Strand.

Fuck war!

King of Fools on YoutubeWe look at Russia and Ukraine with horror as we hoped to the last that this would end without bloodshed. As if our world didn’t have enough problems with Covid, climate change, exploitation, poverty, violence, hunger, …
Unfortunately more topical than ever, but it was precisely because of such situations and because of such rulers that the song came into being…

Rehearsing again!

1st rehearsal since Corona pandemicFirst band rehearsal since Coronass.
Conclusion: slowly becoming friends with room and instrument again ^^.
There’s a lot to do for us!

Happy Birthday to us!

Happy 9th birthday MytherineMytherine were founded 9 years ago today!
A lot has happened since then and we have bigger plans than ever. Unfortunately we are not allowed to perform or party during this difficult time, but we would like to celebrate this day with you at least from a distance. Therefore we offer you our debut album “Dawn Of A New Era” for free. You pay for postage and packaging only. Our first two shirts are also available for only 9 EUR (plus postage and packaging). This offer is valid between May 1st and May 9th, so grab it and share these news. Your children, parents or grandparents are sure to be happy about a little variety in this surreal time of isolation.

Stay healthy or get back to it quickly. Take care of yourself and show consideration for each other!
