Mytherine - Epic Death Metal from Berlin, Germany

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Latest news

Corona is a bitch!

Due to the pandemic we are forced to stay at home, practicing all by ourselves. No rehearsals, no gigs, no possible acquisition of future gigs, paused recordings (again), etc. This is not how we imagined the beginning of a new decade… We are looking forward to the end of this chaotic situation. Stay patient, stay healthy.

Happy new decade!

A late happy new year, everyone! We are eager, euphoric and looking forward to many gigs, finishing the album and more this year. After a great kick-off with Jan at the Blackland last saturday there are many plans to be put into action this year and beyond. Hope to see you soon!

Show in Leipzig cancelled

Unfortunately we have to cancel our participation in the concert in Leipzig on January 3rd for health reasons…

Off to an epic new decade

Heavy New Year 13Still stuffed from Christmas, from the day after tomorrow a new decade begins and in 4 days we will be on stage at the Bandhaus Leipzig together with SIC(k)REATION and Caroozer at the 13th Heavy New Year. We’ll play mostly new material and thus 2 new songs live for the first time! Have a good start into the new year/ decade. See you!

Mytherine are looking for a new bass player!

– reliability & commitment
– live experience (studio experience would be great)
– own equipment
– 1-2x / week time for rehearsals in Berlin-Marzahn
– reasonably quick learner
– active participation in songwriting for upcoming releases
– readiness for reasonably regular live performances in Germany and abroad
– passion for Melodic Death Metal (e.g. At The Gates, Be’lakor, old In Flames)

Nice to have:
– affinity for mysticism, fantasy & mythology